College Recruitment Options for Youth Soccer Players
College Recruiting - Player Profiles
CaptainU will provide player profile books for college coaches and free access to their online software to help all attending athletes maximize their exposure to coaches while at the Virginian.

The U16 thru U19 age groups offer teams a broad range of competitive challenges as players begin to seriously prepare for the collegiate experience. These divisions will be competing on top-quality turf fields, co-located to maximize exposure opportunities to visiting college coaches.

Player Self-Recruiting
The Virginian highly recommends that players reach out to the schools for which they are interested in playing. Many coaches come to the Virginian to scout for pick-up players but will not realize that a player is interested in playing for their team unless the player communicates with them! We also know that players are probably looking at multiple schools that may not have registered to attend our event. Players are encouraged to reach out to these schools and let them know they will be playing at the Virginian.